Education and the Unity of Knowledge in St. Thomas’ thought


  • Sebastián Patricio Medina Naessens Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino


education, unity of knowledge, humanities, ethics, Saint Thomas


It is common to find a certain reluctance among both teachers and students -to a greater or lesser degree- as regards the field of humanities; more specifically to issues related to ethics due to the wide range of knowledge developed by the different sciences. Not surprisingly, most of this ethical knowledge is either relativized or at least questioned due to the mere fact that it is not empirically verifiable. Other reasons that undermine ethics simply respond to ideological issues. To deal with this defying obstacle, the teacher is faced with the challenging task of integrating the knowledge in this increasingly hostile academic environment. The aim of this paper is to put forward certain notions that provide essential elements in a concrete and organized way to prioritize and substantiate an integrated knowledge.


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How to Cite

Medina Naessens, S. P. (2023). Education and the Unity of Knowledge in St. Thomas’ thought. Español, (3), 45–84. Retrieved from //