Glory of Passivity: Self-Revelation of the Invisible According to Michel Henry
Phenomenology, philosophy of life, Phenomenology and religlion, Phenomenology of the invisible, Michel HenryAbstract
This work, developed in the context of the theological turn of French phenomenology, reflects on the significance of Life in Michel Henry, Life and passivity that do not result from the volition of a modern subject who seems to have been overcome. We are on the threshold of a first philosophy that does not absolutely leave aside the intentionality of the past, as well as its active character in the donation of meaning, but subordinates both to a first, unique and irreducible foundation: Life. We have entitled this work Glory of Passivity since the ego does not appear as the original architect of the constitution of the world, its meanings and its idealities. A primitive passivity of the subject would precede the constituent ego of classical phenomenology, a very old passivity that would not fit, without a doubt, in any memory. However, we did not want to introduce ourselves to Henry’s thought without first giving us an idea of what the passivity of the subject reflected in some of Marion’s lines means, whose understanding occurs within the framework of a phenomenology of the invisible and a phenomenology open to excess of evidence.
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