The metaphysics of Numenius




Numenius, Metaphysics, God, Being, Soul


In this work, the author intends to expose and comment on the metaphysics of Numenius of Apamea, a Neo-Pythagorean philosopher of the 2nd century AD. In first place, it studies the ascension to Being, which is situated beyond the essence, the Principle of all that is. Then he reviews the levels of divinity in this author, which turn out to be three, which come to shape three different functions: the Gods first (the Good itself), second (the Demiurge) and third (the Soul of the World). It is proposed here that there are actually two Gods, the first being totally inactive, and the second, having two functions. Finally, the Numenian arguments in favor of the immortality of the soul are studied.



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How to Cite

Buganza, J. (2021). The metaphysics of Numenius. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 24(47), 5–20.