El lugar de Juan Escoto Eriúgena en el programa filosófico de Bertoldo de Moosburg


  • Ezequiel Ludueña


Scotus Eriugena, Bertoldo di Moosburg, Cologne School, scholastic metaphysics


XII century was the century under most influence by Eriugena. Later, until Nicholas of Cusa, in the XV century,the presence of Eriugena weakens. The obvious reason for this decline is the condemnation of Periphyseon in 1225. However, since the Irishman’s though remained available in practice to the intellectuals
through other channels, said decline can be explained by observing that Eriugena’s system was not prepared for the intellectual agenda of the XIII century. Evidently, Eriugena’s thought did not respond to the interest of the times, which were marked by more or less passionate acceptance or rejection of the work of the Stagirite. Except for the extremely fragmentary (and inconsistent) use of some of his institutions, the scholastics avoided it. However, in the Cologne Dominican Studium founded by Albertus Magnus in the first half of the XIV century, Eriugena’s thought became part of one of the most ambitious and innovative intellectual projects of the late Middle Ages: the making up of some sort of summa ad mentem platonicorum, the same name someone gave to Bertoldo di Moosburg’s commentary, Elementatio theologic. This research sets to indicate how any why Bertoldo applied the Eriugenian system to offer a philosophical and Christian interpretation of Proclean polytheism.


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How to Cite

Ludueña, E. (2012). El lugar de Juan Escoto Eriúgena en el programa filosófico de Bertoldo de Moosburg. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 15(29), 223–239. Retrieved from //revistas.unsta.edu.ar/index.php/Studium/article/view/511