Christian Marriage in Clement of Alexandria from Philosophical Anthropology
Clement of Alexandria, Marriage, Philosophy, Philosophical anthropology, ChristianityAbstract
Clement of Alexandria founded the Christian philosophy, demonstrating that faith and philosophy are truly complementary. Born in the middle of the second century, he inaugurated the convergence and alliance between Christianity and Greek culture. His works have an inestimable value within the ecclesiastical literature and the Christian philosophy of the first centuries of the Church. The present study approaches from the philosophical anthropology the thought of Clement of Alexandria on the Christian marriage. It is true that marriage is not one of the central themes in the works of the Christian author, however, he devoted much of the Stromata’s third book to refuting heretical doctrines that arose around marriage. This work presents a philosophical reflection on the texts founded in the works of Clement of Alexandria on which he bases his vision on marriage. The purpose, characteristics, dignity of the marriage, as well as the second nuptials are some of the questions that are dealt with in this study from the philosophical anthropology.
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