Negative changes in the intersubjective world: from the meaning of existence to language games in understanding the other


  • Niza Valdivia Gómez
  • Gabriel Zanotti


positivism, world of life, language games, understanding, dialogue


This essay analyze the philosophical events that led to a loss of understanding and dialogue between people in the daily language of present times. It starts from the emergence of positivism, then from the notions of alienation versus individuation in “deep psychology”. The notion of in-authentic existence in Heidegger is analyzed to arrive then at the notions of intersubjectivity, lifeworld and language-games, in order to be able to reflect on the implications in the negative changes of the intersubjective world.


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How to Cite

Valdivia Gómez, N., & Zanotti, G. (2022). Negative changes in the intersubjective world: from the meaning of existence to language games in understanding the other. Español, (1), 43–60. Retrieved from //