The Provincial Council for Cultural Diffusion: An original proposal for culture

  • Alejandro Esser Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas "Prof. Manuel García Soriano" - UNSTA
Keywords: Tucumán, Culture, Art, Musical September, Museum of Fine Arts


In 1958, the writer Julio Ardiles Gray, with the support of the Celestino Gelsi government, gave shape to what would be one of the most innovative official proposals for the management of cultural activities in the province. With the creation of the Provincial Council for Cultural Diffusion (C.P.D.C.), Tucumán had for the first time an official entity dependent on the executive branch and with its own budget of such magnitude that it had sufficient authority to formulate and materialize cultural policies of strong impact for the artistic field local. The C.P.D.C was made up of a notable group of professionals and leaders in charge
of the different committees. This organization achieved important changes in the Tucuman cultural scene while establishing a structure that ended up setting the model and the parameters for the organization of the subsequent organizations that replaced the C.P.D.C.


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How to Cite
Esser, A. (2023). The Provincial Council for Cultural Diffusion: An original proposal for culture. Español, (2), 25-30. Retrieved from