The limits of human language in Augustinian rhetoric
An analysis based on De doctrina christiana in light of the De Magistro
Saint Augustine of Hippo, rhetoric, docere, verbum interiusAbstract
This paper argues that the limits of the verbum vocis, paradoxically, give meaning to the effort of human docere in Augustinian rhetoric. It aims to illustrate throughout the research that this hypothesis follows from the analysis of the concept of docere in book IV of De doctrina christiana in light of the De Magistro. This objective is intended to be achieved through three stages. Firstly, the functions of Augustinian rhetoric, especially teaching, will be analyzed in De doctrina christiana IV. Secondly, the limits of language in the docere will be explored in depth according to the reflections of De Magistro. Finally, a synthesis of both descriptions will be carried out, based on De Trinitate, to show that the limits of language are not a limitation in Augustinian rhetoric, but the realization of its own meaning.
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