The relationship between faith and philosophy in Ratzinger’s thought




Ratzinger, Faith, Philosophy, modernity, rationality, theology


Following the most philosophical writings of Ratzinger in his criticism of modern philosophy, we briefly present the main lines of thought that, according to the German theologian, gave rise to the current situation regarding the relationship between faith and philosophy, and his concern for the hegemony of technical thought over other forms of knowledge, which relegated faith in the realm of the irrational. In Western societies, positivist and scientific prejudices about faith still prevail, as well as its reduction to a religious feeling. Therefore, to study in depth this subject not only enriches us with the originality of one of the most significant European intellectuals of the 20th century, but also encourages us to rethink, beyond all reductionism, the place of faith and religion in the philosophical reflection and in dialogue with the sciences.


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How to Cite

Pastorino Pereira, M. Ángel. (2022). The relationship between faith and philosophy in Ratzinger’s thought. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 25(50), 245–273.