Veritatis splendor and autonomous Morality
Keys for discernment about the intrinsece malum
Veritatis splendor, autonomous Morality, moral object, practical reason, intrinsece malumAbstract
The discussions raised around the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia show that three decades after the publication of Veritatis splendor the theme of the moral object has not lost relevance. In this context, it is interesting to observe that some of the discussions related to this issue have their origin in positions similar to the assumptions of autonomous Morality. In order to be able to carry out a critical evaluation of such positions, in this study we offer an approach to the normative rationality theorized by Franz Böckle in dialogue with the corresponding insight of Veritatis splendor on that rationality, which reaches its zenith in the affirmation of the existence of intrinsically evil acts.
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