Nicolás de Cusa y el neoplatonismo ateniense: lo “no-otro” como superación de lo “uno”
Nicholas of Cusa, Neoplatonism, self, non-otherAbstract
In his search for conceptual formulations to refer to the absolute, Nicholas of Cusa proposed, in one of his latest texts, the notion of non-aliud. He admits he was directly inspired by Dionysius the Areopagite´s corpus, whom he called «the ultimate theologist», and Proclus, the deepest «Platonist» of whom he knows notes on the side three works in Latin. In the first part of the research, the textual links between late antique authors and Nicholas of Cusa are made explicit. In the second part, some metaphysic points developed in De ly non aliud (1462) are highlighted. These points confirm the presence of the “non-other” and the intention to overcome the Neoplatonic metaphysic of the “self”.