An introduction to the human passions according to Saint Thomas Aquinas


  • Klaus Droste Ausborn Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile



sensitive appetite, pasion, Thomas Aquinas, faculty


The compression of the human passionate movement and its wealth as a dynamism that is part of the substantial reality of a corporeal intelligent being, finds in the vast work of Saint Thomas Aquinas a little exploited and never sufficiently known treasure, which redounds, for its value, in an enormous enrichment of the study for Psychology’ students, contributing enormously to raising the understanding of this fundamental dimension of the human being as a rational and free being.


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Agustín de Hipona (2002). De Civitate Dei. En Obras completas, Tomo XVI - XVII. Madrid: BAC.

Aristóteles. (1997). Política. Madrid: Espasa Calpe.

Aristóteles. (2009). Ética a Nicómaco. Córdoba: Editorial Almuzara.

Tomás de Aquino. (1967). Suma contra los gentiles. 2 vols. Madrid: BAC.

Tomás de Aquino. (1988-1994). Suma de Teología. 5 vols. Madrid: BAC.

Tomás de Aquino. (2002). El ente y la esencia. Pamplona: EUNSA.

Tomás de Aquino. (2016). Cuestiones disputadas sobre la verdad. Pamplona: EUNSA.



How to Cite

Droste Ausborn, K. (2022). An introduction to the human passions according to Saint Thomas Aquinas. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 25(49), 117–127.