Act of being, nature and Psychology: some notes on the psychological interpretation of the concept of person




person, nature, personality, individual


Psychology is presented from its beginnings as an empirical science, distancing itself from Philosophy. This independence brings with it a series of difficulties of an epistemological nature, one of them consists in the lack of consideration of the philosophical distinction between person and nature in the field of Psychology. Ignorance of the traditional meaning of these concepts entails relevant semantic consequences for the discipline. Through a brief review of their meaning in Thomas Aquinas, it is shown how their understanding affects the investigation of personality and the practice of clinical psychology.


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How to Cite

Cubillos Muñoz, C. (2022). Act of being, nature and Psychology: some notes on the psychological interpretation of the concept of person. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 25(49), 129–140.