Towards an integrally human Psychology: Is man just another object of nature?


  • Pablo Verdier Mazzara Universidad Finis Terrae, Santiago, Chile



aporia, reductionisms, human nature, clinical Psychology


An anthropological and epistemological reflection of the current situation of clinical Psychology and Psychiatry is presented. Starting from clinical facts and data, the need arises to make explicit the philosophical foundation (anthropological and ethical) of these disciplines, and open these areas of knowledge to dimensions not contemplated by the positive sciences. The comparison of these subjects to the natural sciences inevitably leads to scientistic reductionism, which in turn leads us to insurmountable clinical aporias, causing distortions in our way of conceiving and treating mental disorders. The central notion of nature is emphasized as an obligatory reference for an understanding of our professional work.


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How to Cite

Verdier Mazzara, P. (2022). Towards an integrally human Psychology: Is man just another object of nature?. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 25(49), 77–90.