Contributions of Person Integral Psychology for the understanding of human affectivity
Human Affectivity, Passions, emotions, Thomas Aquinas, Person Integral PsychologyAbstract
After a brief consideration of the main conceptions of contemporary Psychology about human affectivity, Person Integral Psychology is presented as a meta-model capable of illuminating and bringing order to the current knowledge about affections. Specifically, six contributions to the understanding of affective life are proposed, based on the consideration of (1) the relation between the degrees of human life and affectivity, (2) the relation between affectivity and the rest of the soul powers, (3) the relation of the affects to each other, (4) the relation between the affects and reality, (5) the relation between affects, especially love-pondus, and the whole of the personality and ( 6) the relation between affections and the moral dimension.
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