Why give asylum in Bern to a Jesus from Königsberg?
A reflection from The Life of Jesus by G. W. F. Hegel
Jesus, Enlightenment, morality, theology, orthodoxyAbstract
The main objective of this article is to demonstrate that the correspondence between Hegel and Schelling constitutes one of the fundamental elements to understand the influence and meaning of Enlightenment thought in the work of the young Hegel entitled The Life of Jesus. For this reason, the development of this paper will be divided into: 1) highlighting –through the considerations of some interpreters of The Life of Jesus– the influence of Enlightenment thought in the work, fundamentally based on Kant’s moral theology; 2) explain the main theme of the study: morality as a law of reason; and 3) consider the situation of Protestant theology at the end of the 18th century from the point of view of the young Hegel –expressed in his epistolary exchange with Schelling–, in order to argue that The Life of Jesus is a work that responds to the dispute between Enlightenment thought and orthodox Protestant theology.
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