Freedom in psychic life
An analysis from some authors of the contemporary Psychology and Saint Thomas Aquinas
freedom, affectivity, spontaneity, self-realization, personAbstract
Numerous authors from different currents of Psychology have dedicated some papers to develop the question of freedom in psychic life. Influenced by modern thought, they have not always been able to free themselfves from a distorted vision of freedom and affectivity or the latent dualism between freedom and nature. For this reason, in order to present a fair idea of the place that freedom occupies in psychic life, we will try to make a brief overview of some approaches that modernity has gestated around it and that have influenced contemporary psychology in order to capture the reasons deeper than the current situation. From there, we will try to identify, in the light of the perennial thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas, what are the deviations or errors that have characterized these positions and what is the proposal that this author makes in order to appreciate more fully the contribution that it can make psychology and understand more fully the place that an authentic exercise of freedom has in the development of affectivity.
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