40 years from After Virtue: validity and contributions for a reconstruction of the social ethos





Ethics of virtues, human flourishing, failure of the enligthtened project, narrative ethics, contemporary moral disagreement


We can safely suggest that After Virtue was a before and after for philosophical research on morality and that it generated a renewed interest in classical ethics, especially virtues. But far from being in the past, After Virtue is today a mandatory bibliography for anyone who wants to understand contemporary ethics and its social structures of the moral order. It is unfeasible to study the characteristics of current ethics without a historical development of its philosophical roots: it encompasses enemies of reason such as Hume and Calvin, it is continued by the founders of the Enlightenment, and it ends with Nietzsche’s lethal criticism of all modern attempts to mask the will to power under contractual or rationalistic forms of morality. In addition, for anyone who walks after the thought of the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre, this work contains an outline and intellectual design of what his later works will be. For this reason, 40 years after its publication we decided to evoke his main contributions, which remain solid and valid despite the years.



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How to Cite

Ramírez, J. J. (2021). 40 years from After Virtue: validity and contributions for a reconstruction of the social ethos. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 24(47), 91–108. https://doi.org/10.53439/stdfyt47.24.2021.91-108