Suárez on the Concept of Being. Is Suárez’s Concept of Being Analogical or Univocal?


  • Daniel Heider



Suárez, analogy, univocity, concept of being, trasncendental


This article deals with the question of Suárez’s theory of being, which prima facie appears to oscillate between a Scotistic univocal conception and a conception of being according to the analogy of intrinsic attribution. The paper aims to show that Suárez’s doctrine can in no way be interpreted as representative of the univocal conception, and proceeds in six steps. First, it highlights the importance of the Uncommon Doctor’s theory of the unity of both the formal and the objective concepts of being. In the second part, the paper asks how the concept of being can, without any internal diff erentiation and structure, give rise to the different relations that it has to the natures subordinated to it. In the second and the third parts, this question receives an answer against the background of Suárez’s critique of Scotus’s conception, and with the help of his theory of the radical intimate transcendence of being. In the fourth section, there follows an exposition of Suárez’s doctrine on the explication of the concept of being. The fifth section offers a brief presentation of
the significance of esse for ratio entis. In the last section, the author places his interpretation in the general context of the Metaphysical Disputations


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How to Cite

Heider, D. (2017). Suárez on the Concept of Being. Is Suárez’s Concept of Being Analogical or Univocal?. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 20(40), 99–120.