The wounded human nature and the healing-elevant grace

Its implications in the exercise of metaphysics according to Santiago Ramírez


  • Luis Larraguibel Diez



Nature, Grace, Orders distinction, Image of God, Man'´s ultimate end


The cultivation of philosophy, particularly that of metaphysics, is the man’s ultimate end and whose act seeks the contemplation of God ut auctor naturae. But, the Christian revelation introduces two determinants that modified the pure condition of our nature: the elevation to the supernatural order and the intrusion
of original sin. Hence, on the one hand, the ultimate end of man consists in the supernatural vision of God ut auctor gratiae and, on other hand, the need for healing and elevating grace to reach that vision. However, Santiago Ramírez following St. Thomas Aquinas,will explain that the current man -fallen by sin- is powerless even to achieve its connatural end without the help of grace.


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How to Cite

Larraguibel Diez, L. (2018). The wounded human nature and the healing-elevant grace: Its implications in the exercise of metaphysics according to Santiago Ramírez. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 21(41), 45–65.