Meister Eckhart and the mystical metaphors of the soul and the Deity


  • Mariano Olivera



Everything, mystic, Deity, God, Nothing


The purpose of this article is to show and analyze the most remarkable metaphors with which the Dominican master of spiritual life, Eckhart, transmits the meeting of the created and separate (existent) human soul of the Creator God, with the One, or essential unity original, defined in its entirety as Deity. The focus is on some of his sermons, which explain the allegories of the human soul, the divinity and the fusion or encounter of both in the Deity. It is a journey through central and allegorical elements of its nihilistic mystique and its negative theology, where the only and last sustainable conclusion is that “Everything is done Nothing”.


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How to Cite

Olivera, M. (2018). Meister Eckhart and the mystical metaphors of the soul and the Deity. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 21(42), 83–100.