The Gift of the Holy Spirit and its use in history
A contribution to the tomasian understanding of the relationship between the Uncreated Grace and the created grace
St. Thomas, Holy Spirit, Love and gift, Uncreated grace, Created grace, UseAbstract
This article explores the profound fecundation that St. Thomas Aquinas establishes between the Trinitarian theology and the Christian life. In an overview of the integral plan of the Summa Theologiae, it cannot go unnoticed that the conception of the moral of the Angelic takes place in an exquisitely theological horizon. The perspective of the secunda pars deals with the human being, as “in image”, after having dealt with the Model, and always in the light of and in relation to Him. It is precisely in the theology of the Holy Spirit that the divine life of the Trinity opens up to its communication –and use! – in the history of the salvation of every human being. In this way, the Christian life is fundamentally conceived as the grace life, in which we receive not only effects –created grace–, but also the Holy Spirit in person – the Uncreated Grace– that makes us move and protect together with the Father and the Son.
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