End and finality. Two perspectives on the end of the world
meaning of life, cosmology, Philosophy of Religion, science and religion, end of the worldAbstract
For a long time, the Cosmos was understood as something without an end. The Abrahamic traditions brought into the debate not only the idea of creation, but also the idea of an end of the world. But about this eschaton –the temporal end of the world- no one knows about the day or the hour. Even if, concerning this promise, the Revelation also promises another type of end (telos), these notions have had an impact on the political discourse during the process of secularization by fostering an optimistic perspective about the future. However, in the past century, Physics and Astronomy discovered that the cosmos will not be able to support life, so some authors saw this as a confirmation that life is meaningless. However, if we take a closer look at the history of the relationship between eschaton and telos we will notice that these are two different notions. Even though Astronomy tells us that in a distant future life will come to an end, is this one the ultimate answer on the meaning of life? This paper is an approach on the distinction between the meaning of ‘end’ in cosmology –eschaton-, and the meaning of ‘end’ –telos– in philosophy.
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