About the Christian moral philosophy: the epistemological debate between Jacques Maritain and Santiago Ramírez O.P.


  • Luis E. Larraguibel Diez




Christian philosophy, Ethics, Jacques Maritain, Santiago Ramírez


The article reviews the debate that faced these great thomist authors for two years (1934-1936). According to J. Maritain, moral philosophy is the most perfect type of Christian philosophy and, for this reason, it cannot do without Revelation. That is to say, if moral philosophy wants to remain complète et adéquate in its object, it must consider man not according to his nature only, but also, according to his fallen and redeemed state of nature, in relation to his true ultimate end which is supernatural. Hence, S. Ramírez criticizes, on the one hand, the epistemological error committed by the French philosopher because he didn’t distinguish the formal objects of philosophy and theology; and, on the other, not considering that the effective ultimate end of the man is not the same as his proper end.


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How to Cite

Larraguibel Diez, L. E. (2020). About the Christian moral philosophy: the epistemological debate between Jacques Maritain and Santiago Ramírez O.P. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 23(45), 87–102. https://doi.org/10.53439/stdfyt45.23.2020.87-102