Pensar, recibir, interpretar

La determinación de la escolástica como concepto historiográfico

  • Mariano Pérez Carrasco
Keywords: Scholastics, scholastic philosophy, scholastic method


The term “scholastics” refer to at least to diverse phenomena: on the one hand, in its nominal function refers to the philosophy developed during the XIII and XVII centuries mainly in European universities; on the other hand, in its adjectival function refers not to a certain philosophy but to a modus philosophandi that can be shared by very diverse philosophical movements.  This presentation analyzes both senses of the term “scholastics” linking it with three activities involved in all philosophical endeavor: the creative act of thinking, the passive and active act of receiving someone’s thinking (which implies the problem of transmissibility of thought, that is, its tradition – from the Latin trajere–), and the act of interpreting the transmitted thought (traditum). The presentation affirms that the main characteristic of scholastics, it both its senses, is being an essentially receptive type of philosophy.


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How to Cite
Pérez Carrasco, M. (2012). Pensar, recibir, interpretar. Studium. Filosofía Y Teología, 15(30), 279-290. Retrieved from