Love and Destiny. On the origin of the vocation in the thought of José Ortega y Gasset
Ortega y Gasset, Origin, Vocation, Soul, LoveAbstract
The problem of the origin of the vocation in the thought of José Ortega y Gasset can be approached from two perspectives of diverse depth: the first one, referred to the foundation of the vocation within the subject; the second one, to the possibility of a cause of vocation that is external to the subject itself. The first perspective leads us to discover that the vocation arises from the most individual of our dimensions: the soul, where our feelings lay. From all those feelings love manifests itself as the fundamental one, the outset of all others. Thus, the problem of the origin of the vocation within the subject finds its full meaning from the understanding of the feeling loving. The second way only allows a personal reflection, because the same Ortega leaves in suspense the question raised in it.
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