Embracing suffering humanity. Dominican sisters of Saint Joseph and their service to the sick
Las Hermanas Dominicas de San José y el servicio a los enfermos
religious life, dominican sisters, the sick, hospitalsAbstract
This work is a first attempt to investigate a pastoral activity closely related to the historical origins of the Hermanas Dominicas de San Jose. It was assigned to them as their own service by the founder of the order, and was carried out by the nuns both in hospitals and homes until the first half of the 20th century. At that time, this task was gradually left aside to concentrate almost exclusively on the educational labor, which was previously carried out at the same time and which provided the resources necessary for subsistence. This work is based on sources obtained from the Congregation (obituary information of the Dominican Sisters, correspondence from the founder, certificates and other foundation-related documents, among others), official documents of either municipal or national nature, and on the press of that time. As this is a first approach to the topic, the research is of an exploratory nature and is aimed at describing the activity in its different forms, displaying the double-sided, bodily and spiritual, nature of the service that was provided and relating it to the concepts of health, sickness, assistance and charity accepted by society and Church at that time.
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