Gender theory and the violation of human dignity

On the Dignitas Infinita Declaration, nn. 55/60


  • Siro M. A. De Martini Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


radical feminism, gender, human dignity, rebellion of the human creature, deification of man


Gender theory is an instrument of cultural penetration of radical feminism with a Marxist matrix of thought. Its starting point is the assertion of a permanent and inevitable conflict between man and woman in monogamous marriage. According to this theory, men oppress and subjugate women and have made them an ontologically inferior sex. To this end, he has made use of  motherhood and the institutions that support it: marriage itself, the family, childcare. It proposes a revolution in which man and woman are replaced by genders understood as multiple options of sexual orientation. The revolutionary goal is the generic man, the disappearance of sexual difference and motherhood. It constitutes a denial of the creatureliness of the human being, and a rebellion against God the Creator. It tends to destroy all forms of love. It is a serious attack on the ontological dignity of the human being, condemned by the Declaration Dignitas infinita.


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How to Cite

De Martini, S. M. A. (2024). Gender theory and the violation of human dignity: On the Dignitas Infinita Declaration, nn. 55/60. Filópolis En Cristo, (3), 101–127. Retrieved from //



Declaración Dignitas infinita